New books on Ali Aarrass – an appeal from the London Support Committee


ali-aarrass-london-friendsDear supporters of Ali Aarrass,

On 24 September, two new books were launched in Brussels, at a reception attended and addressed by poets and writers, human rights and anti-racist activists, parliamentarians and lawyers.
Je m’appelle Ali Aarrass (‘My name is Ali Aarrass’) is a cartoon documentary, telling Ali’s story in words and pictures. The other book, Lettres de prison d’Ali Aarrass & Journal d’une grève de la faim de Farida Aarrass’, comprises Ali’s letters from prison and his sister Farida’s diary of Ali’s hunger strike.

We need to publicise these books here, in order to raise money for the continuing legal costs and to keep up the pressure for Ali’s release. Perhaps we can co-organise an event with a prisoners’ group here in the UK, or an anti-torture group. Does anyone have any ideas, any contacts who could help us with this?

Ali has been in prison for a total of eight and a half years. He is still waiting for the appeal submitted to the Cassation Court over three years ago to be listed for hearing, and for the Belgian consul to visit him in accordance with the Belgian court order upheld by the appeal court two years ago.

Please get in touch if you can help publicise these two books or if you have ideas on how and with whom we can do it.


Frances Webber

London Support Ali Aarrass <>


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