Dear Veronique Petit, Counsellor (Political Affairs)
I’m not sure if you’re aware that Ali Aarrass has been on hunger strike for nearly three weeks and on thirst strike for five days. He is now extremely weak and cannot move. He embarked on the strike because a Brussels marathon medallion with ribbon in Belgian colours was confiscated from him by the prison governor, and his cell was turned upside down in his absence, with postcards ripped down from the walls. When he sought an explanation the governor simply told him that he was a prisoner and had no rights. He was then denied access to showers, the exercise yard, the phone and personal correspondence. I attach a letter from Jeremy Corbyn MP to the Moroccan Embassy for your information.
I would be grateful if you would pass on our grave concern at your government’s continued failure to intervene with the Moroccan authorities, on behalf of a citizen who is near death in a protest triggered by the denial of his right to manifest his Belgian nationality through the ribbons on the medallion. It needs reiterating that Ali Aarrass has no ties to Morocco except the purely formal tie of nationality, while the performance of his military service for Belgium creates a relationship which he was entitled to expect would be one of reciprocal obligation.
Frances Webber