by Frances Webber, Friends of Ali Aarrass London Support Committee
(Photo : Ali Aarrass and his daughter 7,5 years ago)
Once again Ali Aarrass is protesting at being bullied and humiliated, this time by a new manager of his block, Ben Ali Hicham, who loses no opportunity to inflict petty humiliations, whether it’s refusing to allow in toiletries or denying medical help.
Another issue for Ali is the blatant lie by prison managers, in a letter to Morocco’s human rights council, that he ended his July 2013 hunger and thirst strike because all his demands were met.
According to Ali, he ended the strike only because his guards begged him to, saying they would suffer if he continued. His conditions of detention have always been discriminatory, insulting, humiliating and threatening, keeping him under constant pressure.
Ali has never had a medical visit, and the only right he has, to phone his family, can involve queueing for the phone for up to ninety minutes.
The hunger strike, and his continued unlawful detention, need to be as widely publicised as possible.